Spring Health Check Up - Medical Associates of Northwest Arkansas

Spring Health Check Up

Spring officially starts this weekend, and there’s plenty to look forward to with this change in season. The days get longer, the weather gets warmer, and the grass gets greener. New life and fresh starts are common themes during the spring, which is why so many people decide to partake in the ritual that is spring cleaning. Garages will be organized, attics will be cleared out, and cobwebs will be dealt with. After all, you want to make sure that your house is in good condition, right?

People go to great lengths to make sure that their homes are in good shape, but what really matters is your health and your family’s health. Yes, those air filters and air vents should be cleaned and replaced, but your body’s airways are important too. Add an annual check-up to your family’s spring cleaning tradition.

Why are annual check-ups important?

Some people think that if you are healthy, then you don’t need to visit the doctor. The logic here is that you should wait until you have a health problem before doing anything about your health. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Wellness is key when it comes to health care, and your primary care physician is an invaluable part of maintaining wellness.

You can’t simply look in the mirror and see high cholesterol or an iron deficiency, and you certainly can’t see serious health conditions like cancer or diabetes. Though you may try to eat right and exercise, you can still develop health problems, and a primary care physician can help detect and treat those problems before they become severe.

You don’t wait until your house is crumbling and in disrepair to fix it. You do the maintenance and you do the required cleaning every spring to make sure that your home is in the best shape it can be. The same should be said for your health. Don’t think of the doctor as someone that you go to when you need to get patched up. Your primary care physician is your guide to good health and wellness. Start a new tradition this spring and schedule an annual check-up today!