Nurses Appreciation Day - Medical Associates of Northwest Arkansas

Nurses Appreciation Day

National Nurses Appreciation Day gives us all an opportunity to thank the nurses who make medical care possible. 

Different nursing certifications

There are different kinds of nurses with different kinds of training, specializations, and qualifications. All of them are highly trained, dedicated professionals. At MANA, we have a number of different kinds of nurses:

  • Licensed Practical Nurses, or LPNs, have special certifications from technical schools or colleges.
  • Registered Nurses, or RNs, have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.
  • Nurse Practitioners or Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN), have a Master of Nursing Degree.

Celebrating nurses

The American Nursing Association reminds us, “We must acknowledge that the work caregivers do is complex, important, and both physically and emotionally challenging. Simply acknowledging efforts and praising good outcomes in a genuine and unscripted way is meaningful.”

Yet, we often see nurses during trying times. Patients are cared for by nurses when they are in pain or overwhelmed by the circumstances. Other medical professionals are assisted by nurses when time is tight and stress is high. 

It’s easy to overlook those occasions when we should thank nurses and let them know that we appreciate them.

May 6, National Nurses Day since 1982, is a perfect occasion to recognize the enormous value of nurses in our medical care system and on our healthcare teams.

At MANA, we have many wonderful nurses to celebrate! We highly value our nurses for their expertise, compassion, and dedication. Our nurses are essential to the compassionate, high-quality, comprehensive care and services our patients depend on every day.