With Contrast - What Does that Mean? - Medical Associates of Northwest Arkansas

With Contrast — What Does that Mean?

CT scan with contrast

A CT scan with contrast is a type of imaging test that uses X-rays and a computer to create detailed cross-sectional pictures of your body. It’s different from a regular CT scan because it involves introducing a special contrast material into your body. This contrast material helps certain tissues and organs show up more clearly on the scan.

Here’s a breakdown of how a CT scan with IV contrast works:

  • Contrast material: The contrast material is typically a liquid containing iodine or barium sulfate.
    • Iodine contrast is often injected into a vein through an IV (intravenous) line.
  • X-rays and images: The X-ray machine rotates around you as you lie on a table. The X-rays pass through your body, and the contrast material absorbs some of the X-rays. A computer then uses the information from the X-rays to create detailed cross-sectional images of your body. The contrast material helps differentiate between different tissues because it appears brighter on the scan.

Why use contrast?

A CT scan with contrast is often used when doctors need a clearer picture of specific organs, blood vessels, or other internal structures. It can help diagnose a variety of conditions:

  • Cancer
  • Internal bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Infections
  • Injuries
  • Abnormalities in organs like the liver, kidneys, or lungs

Not for everyone

It’s important to tell your doctor if you have any allergies, especially to iodine, as the contrast material may cause an allergic reaction in some people. Signs of an allergic reaction can include a rash, trouble breathing, or a fast heart rate. If allergic reactions are a concern for you, you may be premeditated with a steroid. Most people who are premeditated do not have allergic reactions to the contrast.

People with certain kidney problems might not be suitable candidates for contrast-enhanced CT scans. Your doctor will assess your kidney function before the procedure. If a CT scan of this kind is essential for your health, you may have a different procedure that allows the health care professionals to keep careful track of the process.

Contrast material is generally safe during pregnancy, but it’s still crucial to inform your doctor if you are pregnant or suspect you might be pregnant. This information can affect decisions about any aspect of healthcare, including the use of contrast material in necessary scans.

Overall, a CT scan with contrast is a valuable tool for medical diagnosis. If your doctor recommends this procedure, they will discuss the benefits and risks with you in detail to determine if it’s the right option for your situation.